Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
340 lines
; UMBFILES extends the system file table (SFT) that DOS uses to track
; the state of open files by creating an extension of the SFT in upper
; memory. The syntax is
; where "nn" is the number of entries to be created in the SFT extension.
; For best results, boot your system with the statement FILES=8 in CONFIG.-
; SYS, and then allocate room for additional FILES with UMBFILES. For exam-
; ple, if you now boot with the statement FILES=40, change it to FILES=8 and
; add the statement UMBFILES=32 to your CONFIG.SYS file. The sum of FILES
; and UMBFILES may not exceed 255.
; NOTE: On some PCs, Windows will not start in 386 enhanced mode unless
; FILES is 10 or 12 or higher. If Windows refuses to start when UMBFILES
; is loaded, increase the FILES setting.
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
begin: jmp main
copyright db "UMBFILES 1.3 Copyright (c) 1993 Jeff Prosise",13,10
db "From: PC Magazine DOS 6 Memory Management "
db "with Utilities",13,10,13,10
db "System file table extended",13,10
db "FILES is now equal to $"
helpmsg db "Builds an extension to the system file table (SFT) "
db "in upper memory.",13,10,13,10
db "UMBFILES[=]nn",13,10,13,10
db " nn Number of new SFT entries to create."
db 13,10,13,10
db "UMBFILES requires DOS 5 or DOS 6 and a PC configured "
db "to load programs and",13,10
db "device drivers high. The sum of FILES and UMBFILES "
db "may not exceed 255.",13,10
crlf db 13,10,"$"
errmsg1 db "Requires DOS 5 or DOS 6",13,10,"$"
errmsg2 db "Syntax: UMBFILES[=]nn",13,10,"$"
errmsg3 db "Invalid parameter or parameter out of range"
db 13,10,"$"
errmsg4 db "FILES plus UMBFILES may not exceed 255",13,10,"$"
errmsg5 db "There is no upper memory available",13,10,"$"
errmsg6 db "Insufficient upper memory",13,10,"$"
umbfiles dw 0 ;Number of UMBFILES
filecount dw 0 ;Resultant number of FILES
strategy dw ? ;Memory allocation strategy
linkstate dw 0 ;Upper memory link status
lastblock dd ? ;Address of final SFT block
sftlen dw ? ;Length of SFT extension
; Procedure MAIN
main proc near
cld ;Clear direction flag
mov si,81h ;Point SI to command line
call scanhelp ;Scan for "/?" switch
jnc main1 ;Branch if not found
mov ah,09h ;Display help text and exit
mov dx,offset helpmsg ;with ERRORLEVEL=0
int 21h
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
; Check the DOS version and abort if it's not DOS 5 or DOS 6.
main1: mov ah,30h ;Get DOS version
int 21h
mov dx,offset errmsg1 ;Load error message address
cmp al,5 ;Branch if the major version
je main2 ;number is 5 or 6
cmp al,6
je main2
error: mov ah,09h ;Display error message
int 21h
mov ax,4C01h ;Exit with ERRORLEVEL=1
int 21h
; Parse the command line to determine how many SFT entries to create.
main2: call findchar ;Advance to next character
mov dx,offset errmsg2 ;Error if EOL encountered
jc error
call asc2bin ;Convert ASCII to binary
mov dx,offset errmsg3 ;Error if carry is set on
jc error ;return
or al,al ;Error if number was 0
jz error
mov byte ptr umbfiles,al ;Save UMBFILES number
; Walk the chain of SFT headers to determine how many FILES already exist.
xor cx,cx ;Zero SFT entry count
mov ah,52h ;Get address of DOS's List
int 21h ;of Lists
les bx,es:[bx+4] ;Get SFT address in ES:BX
main3: mov word ptr lastblock,bx ;Save the header address
mov word ptr lastblock[2],es
add cx,es:[bx+4] ;Add entries in this block
les bx,es:[bx] ;Get address of next block
cmp bx,0FFFFh ;Loop if the offset address
jne main3 ;is other than FFFFh
mov dx,offset errmsg4 ;Verify that FILES plus
add cx,umbfiles ;UMBFILES is less than
cmp cx,255 ;or equal to 255 and
ja error ;abort if it's not
mov filecount,cx ;Save new FILES count
; Allocate an upper memory block to hold the SFT extension.
call save_state ;Save the current state
mov ax,5803h ;Set the UMB link
mov bx,1
int 21h
mov dx,offset errmsg5 ;Error if carry set
jc error
mov ax,5801h ;Change to high-only, best-
mov bx,41h ;fit allocation strategy
int 21h
mov dx,offset errmsg5 ;Error if carry set
jc error
mov al,59 ;Compute the number of
mul byte ptr umbfiles ;paragraphs of memory
mov sftlen,ax ;required for the SFT
add ax,21 ;extension
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
mov bx,ax
mov ah,48h ;Request the memory through
int 21h ;DOS function 48h
jnc main4 ;Branch if call succeeded
call restore_state ;Restore the memory state
mov dx,offset errmsg6 ;Load error message address
jmp error ;Jump to error handler
main4: dec ax ;Point ES to MCB preceding
mov es,ax ;the memory block
mov word ptr es:[01h],ax ;Change owner ID to segment
inc word ptr es:[01h] ;address of the UMB
mov si,offset copyright ;Copy "UMBFILES" to the MCB
mov di,8 ;so that DOS will know
mov cx,8 ;who the owner is
rep movsb
inc ax ;Point ES back to the block
mov es,ax ;itself
call restore_state ;Restore the memory state
; Initialize the new SFT block and link it into the chain.
mov word ptr es:[00h],0FFFFh ;Initialize the
mov word ptr es:[02h],0000h ;SFT header
mov ax,umbfiles
mov word ptr es:[04h],ax
mov cx,sftlen ;Load CX with SFT length
xor al,al ;Fill the new SFT with
mov di,06h ;zeroes from start to
rep stosb ;finish
mov ax,es ;Place the address of the
les di,lastblock ;new SFT header in what
mov word ptr es:[di],00h ;was formerly the final
mov word ptr es:[di+2],ax ;SFT block
; Display message verifying that the operation is completed, and then exit.
mov ah,09h ;Display message
mov dx,offset copyright
int 21h
mov ax,filecount ;Display FILES count
call bin2asc
mov ah,09h ;Next line
mov dx,offset crlf
int 21h
mov ax,4C00h ;Exit with ERRORLEVEL=0
int 21h
main endp
; SAVE_STATE saves the current memory allocation strategy and link state.
save_state proc near
mov ax,5800h ;Get the current memory
int 21h ;allocation strategy
mov strategy,ax ;code and save it
mov ax,5802h ;Get the current link
int 21h ;status and save it
mov byte ptr linkstate,al
save_state endp
; RESTORE_STATE restores the memory allocation strategy and link state
; saved earlier.
restore_state proc near
mov ax,5801h ;Restore original memory
mov bx,strategy ;allocation strategy
int 21h
mov ax,5803h ;Restore original link
mov bx,linkstate ;status
int 21h
restore_state endp
; SCANHELP scans the command line for a /? switch. If found, carry returns
; set and SI contains its offset. If not found, carry returns clear.
scanhelp proc near
push si ;Save SI
scanloop: lodsb ;Get a character
cmp al,0Dh ;Exit if end of line
je scan_exit
cmp al,"?" ;Loop if not "?"
jne scanloop
cmp byte ptr [si-2],"/" ;Loop if not "/"
jne scanloop
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
sub si,2 ;Adjust SI
stc ;Set carry and exit
scan_exit: pop si ;Restore SI
clc ;Clear carry and exit
scanhelp endp
; FINDCHAR advances SI to the next non-white-space character. On return,
; carry set indicates EOL was encountered; carry clear indicates it was not.
findchar proc near
lodsb ;Get the next character
cmp al,09h ;Loop if tab
je findchar
cmp al,20h ;Loop if space
je findchar
cmp al,2Ch ;Loop if comma
je findchar
cmp al,3Dh ;Loop if equal sign
je findchar
dec si ;Point SI to the character
cmp al,0Dh ;Exit with carry set if end
je eol ;of line is reached
clc ;Clear carry and exit
eol: stc ;Set carry and exit
findchar endp
; ASC2BIN converts a decimal number entered in ASCII form into a binary
; value in AL. Carry set on return indicates that an error occurred in
; the conversion.
asc2bin proc near
sub ax,ax ;Initialize registers
sub bh,bh
mov dl,10
a2b_loop: mov bl,[si] ;Get a character
inc si
cmp bl,20h ;Exit if space
je a2b_exit
cmp bl,2Ch ;Exit if comma
je a2b_exit
cmp bl,0Dh ;Exit if carriage return
je a2b_exit
cmp bl,"0" ;Error if character is not
jb a2b_error ;a number
cmp bl,"9"
ja a2b_error
mul dl ;Multiply the value in AL by
jc a2b_error ;10 and exit on overflow
sub bl,30h ;ASCII => binary
add ax,bx ;Add latest value to AX
cmp ax,255 ;Error if sum > 255
jna a2b_loop ;Loop back for more
a2b_error: dec si ;Set carry and exit
a2b_exit: dec si ;Clear carry and exit
asc2bin endp
; BIN2ASC converts a binary value in AX to ASCII form and displays it.
bin2asc proc near
mov bx,10 ;Initialize divisor word and
xor cx,cx ;digit counter
b2a1: inc cx ;Increment digit count
xor dx,dx ;Divide by 10
div bx
push dx ;Save remainder on stack
or ax,ax ;Loop until quotient is zero
jnz b2a1
b2a2: pop dx ;Retrieve a digit from stack
add dl,30h ;Convert it to ASCII
mov ah,2 ;Display it
int 21h
loop b2a2 ;Loop until done
bin2asc endp
code ends
end begin